Friday, January 10, 2014

Snow Days for WIPs and UFOs

WIPs (work in progress) and UFOs (Unfinished Objects) are common to many crafters, vintage and non. We all know that feeling – like you're going to sit down and finish an entire project in one go and then, alas, something comes up that causes you to reluctantly (or not) walk away from it. Some of us have a few, others have hundreds (literally, guys... hundreds.)

Several of the writers here at Seven Magpies have gotten caught in the wakes of winter storms Hercules and Ion (now that we're naming storms, I feel as if we can all aim our frustration and fear at an entity rather than a gathering of clouds... how strange). A couple of us have even gotten almost an entire week off, due to them.

We'd like to share some of the WIPs and UFOs we worked on while tucked away in our homes and studios this past week, and we'd love you to comment and share what you've worked on as well!

Also, be sure to check out the poll we posted over on our Facebook Page where we ask our readers what they'd prefer to see as our first co-op blog give away!

Emily, here! I have been dying to let you all know what I've been working on this week.

So I haven't gotten nearly as far as I intended to, and now that I look at it I am realizing I photographed the back of the piece, but I am working on my first crochet project ever. It's going to (hopefully) be a 1930's cap, complete with ribbon. The pattern calls for grossgrain, but if I can find a vintage velveteen I will definitely go that route since I am a major sucker for velveteen ribbon!

I only learned to crochet last week, and I chose to do a three dimensional project on a size steel 4 needle for my first project because for some reason I crave multi-layered challenges. I can't wait to finish and wear this with the adorable 30's wool tweed skirt I'm planning to make.
xoxo Emily

Hello! I hope you've all had as much time this past week as I have to be incredibly busy doing the things you enjoy. I've actually been working on three projects this past week (aside from re-watching approximately 4 seasons of Seinfeld...). Two of these projects you will be seeing posts about shortly, so they will be kept a secret until that time!
Anyways, I have seriously taken to card making these past few days (one of my resolutions!) Here's a sneak peek at the card stitching project I've been working on. Using embroidery thread, a needle, handmade paper, and some creative energy I've been able to make eight geometrically inspired cards so far. These are incredibly simple and fun to make, the designs come fairly easily and look good even if you have no idea what you're doing! 

I'm very excited to finish a few more cards and then share the full how-to with you! Keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming card and paper making posts.



Nancie here. After almost three weeks of no school, now two snow days and sub-zero temperatures in the midst of a Polar Vortex, I'm starting to feel a bit shut in. Like Jack Nicholson from the Shining. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. I've been keeping myself busy. Very busy. You can say I've possibly become "snow day manic". Ahhh. Pure Michigan. First, I woke up Sunday and decided to do a deep cleaning on my bedroom, washing windows, shutters, hanging pictures and this little baby...a reproduction of an apothecary cabinet of sorts. 

I am using it to store all my aromatherapy supplies. I used to make all kinds of homemade essential oil recipes, but I've fallen away from that these past years, so I am getting back into it. I started simply, creating a basic atomizer of lavender & rose oil and water to spray on my face—to calm me down when I look out and see the snow drifts piling up outside. :)

Next, I signed up for an online mixed media course by Misty Mawn. For those of you not familiar with Misty's work, she does stunning portraits and just gorgeous paintings. I am a huge fan and have been wanting to take a class by her for a while now, so I thought now is the perfect time. 

I also picked up a few art books and the latest HandCrafted issue by Stampington. and have been busy painting on gessoed cardboard and my art journal. I'm working on creating my own art journals using the coptic method of bookbinding and hoping to share that with you in a future post.

(One technique I am enjoying is to paint my entire journal page in black, let it dry completely and then paint over it in another color. If you take sandpaper to the top coat, it will show the black underneath. It produces a very cool effect.)

Happy Winter Creating!

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